Stewart’s expansion to include gas pumps

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Stewart's Shops Quaker Street Granville
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By Krystle S. Morey

Stewart’s Shops confirmed Monday that fueling stations are part of the company’s plan to expand its Quaker Street store in Granville.

“In order to make a project of this magnitude work in the village of Granville and have a successful Stewart’s Shop, we need to be able to add gas back to the site,” said Steve Kinley, Stewart’s real estate representative.

The necessary approvals for the expansion are pending, with a public hearing scheduled for Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. in the village offices.

When the Sentinel broke the news about the expansion in August, company spokeswoman Maria D’Amelia said she was unable to confirm whether gas pumps would be part of the plans.

An appeal to the village’s Zoning Board of Appeals, dated Oct. 13, confirmed that six fueling stations with unleaded and diesel options are part of the proposal. The plan was presented to the board Monday.

Kinley added: “We are not rebuilding any stores without gas … at all. The difference in performance between a store with gas and without is an average of 24 percent less in gross profits.”

The Quaker Street store originally had two gas pumps but they were removed years ago to ease parking constraints and aid traffic flow.

The plan also includes a new 3,600 square foot store, which almost doubles the size of the current structure.


This is only a preview of the story published in the Granville Sentinel. To read the full story, pick up a print copy of this week’s paper at the newsstand or read it online here.