Running with Sasquatch: Inaugural half-marathon set for June 9

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By Matthew Saari

In an effort to shed the added pounds he tacked on during the winter months, Sasquatch will be hosting – and running in – a half-marathon on Saturday, June 9.

Race director Heather Pauquette said she was inspired to begin planning a Sasquatch-themed race because of the dearth of road races in the area.

“There aren’t any road races in Whitehall,” she said. “The closest half-marathons are held in Manchester, Vermont or Saratoga Springs.”

The event is slated to begin and end at the Whitehall Athletic Club on Poultney Street. Runners will head east along Route 4, turn north onto Buckley Road then east onto State Route 9.

Runners will continue on Route 9 until the intersection with Carlton Road, at which time they will turn around and head back towards the village along Route 9, turning south on to Route 9A, passing the Skene Valley Country Club and its massive Sasquatch statue.

“It’s going to be town and village running,” Pauquette said. “The runners will have plenty of opportunities to pass the Sasquatch statues around town.”

A map of the course can be found on the Sasquatch Half Marathon Facebook page.


This is only a preview of the story published in the Whitehall Times. To read the full story, pick up a print copy of this week’s paper at the newsstand or read it online here.


This is only a preview of the story published in the Granville Sentinel. To read the full story, pick up a print copy of this week’s paper at the newsstand or read it online here.